The impact of functional selectivity by fisheries on the fish fauna of Abrolhos Bank
Fishery management, Functional diversity, Functional hypervolume, Marine protected areas, Small-scale fisheriesAbstract
Functional diversity (FD) is one of the aspects of biodiversity that can best represent eventual changes in the
environment. Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) can be used to minimize the potential impacts of fishing on fish
stocks. The objective of this study was to evaluate the role of the MPA network in the Abrolhos Bank (Brazil)
in relation to the FD of fish fauna. Underwater visual censuses were carried out in no-take, partially protected
and unprotected zones. We used FD metrics to assess the MPA network in terms of FD in each zone. The
functional hypervolume of the target fish species was calculated. From fishers’ information, we determined the
Use Value of the main target species and proposed a Fisheries Functional Vulnerability Index (FFVI), which
can indicate management priorities for the species at a local level. The results showed that MPAs maintained
higher FD, especially in no-take areas. Two no-take sites showed significant functional divergence values, while
one no-take site and one partially protected site showed greater functional richness than unprotected sites.
A total of 23 target species accounted for 56% of the functional hypervolume. The FFVI indicated the most
vulnerable species. The results indicate that functional metrics may be more informative for assessing the
impact of fisheries. In addition, the findings reinforce the need to incorporate the local knowledge of resource
users, as recommended by international institutions.
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