Distributional limits of the Shortnose Guitarfish, Zapteryx brevirostris (Rhinopristiformes: Trygonorrhinidae) - An update
Batoid, Chondrichthyes, Distribution range, Range boundaries, Southwest Atlantic OceanAbstract
The Shortnose Guitarfish, Zapteryx brevirostris, is endemic to the Southwest Atlantic and its geographic range
is commonly reported from Southeastern Brazil to Northern Argentina. However, range limits are imprecise or
inconsistent in some cases. These inconsistencies were addressed in this study based on 1,363 specimens
collected since 1865. These records were obtained from scientific collections, a systematic review of literature,
and an on-board observation database. According to the data collected in this study, the known northernmost
distributional limit of the species lies at the mouth of the Doce River, Northern Espírito Santo State, in Southeastern
Brazil (19°S). As for the other extreme of its range, the known southernmost distribution limit refers to the Falkland
Islands (Malvinas) (53°S). This represents more than 2,000 km of coastline geographic range extension —
in comparison to the previous known southernmost range limit for this species. The geographical range of Z.
brevirostris seems to follow biogeographic patterns operating at an ecosystem level in which biotic (especially in
the north) and abiotic factors (especially in the south) play a role in imposing limits to its distribution range.
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