Distribution of total suspended solids and dynamics of the estuarine turbidity maximum in the Ipojuca River estuary
Sediments, Suspended particulate matter, Constricted river mouth, Tropical estuaryAbstract
This study focused on the distribution of total suspended solids (TSS) concentration along the Ipojuca River
estuary and on identifying the average location of the estuarine turbidity maximum (ETM) zone considering
the seasonality of its rainfall and tidal regime. This research was carried out along a 13.6 km stretch of the
chosen river, with 21 sampling stations during the rainy (Jun-Jul/17) and dry periods (Dec/17). Temperature and
salinity data were obtained at each station using CTD profiling. Furthermore, current intensity and direction were
measured using a current meter, and water samples were collected to determine TSS concentrations. The water
column showed vertically homogeneous temperature (~27° C). Salinity distribution varied seasonally and along
the tidal cycle throughout the system. The estuary shows a weakly to moderately stratified water column that
intensifies itself upstream. At just 2.28 km from the river mouth (second station), salinity varies by 0.2-32.9. This
stratification primarily stems from the constriction of its river mouth, trapping freshwater in its interior. Currents
showed higher values during the rainy period (-5 to 95.8 cms-1). TSS concentrations were higher during the rainy
season, ranging from 8.6 to 241.2 mg L-1 during spring tides and from 6.5 to 223.0 mg L-1 during neap tides.
The ETM was located at 1.8-2.2 km from the river mouth during the rainy season and at 2-8 km during the dry
season. The ETM coincided with the boundaries of salt propagation in the estuary, corresponding to salinities
of 0.2-10, and longitudinal currents ranging from 60 to -10 cm s-1, indicating the mixing zone of water masses.
Since the ETM is also associated with the area of highest sediment deposition in the estuary, it is likely that most
materials transported to the estuary that are associated with sediment transport remain trapped in this zone,
making it an important area for further studies.
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