Validity Evidence for the Flow State Scale-2 with University Athletes
flow, test validity, sport psychology, positive psychologyAbstract
Abstract: Flow is an optimal psychological state, a very positive experience associated with high levels of performance in various areas of human activity such as sports. This study sought evidence for the construct validity of the Brazilian version of FSS-2 and, in this way, contribute with theoretical and empirical resources for the research and professional practice of Brazilian psychologists in the field of sports and physical exercise. This instrument provides a global measure and specifically measures nine dimensions of the flow experience. The participants were 366 athletes, men and women, 16-41 years of age, who played futsal, handball, volleyball and rugby and disputed the University Games Gaúchos 2015. The scores of the subjects were subjected to Confirmatory Factor Analysis. Indices of content, factorial, convergent and discriminant validities and internal consistency were found, discussed according to theoretical and empirical data from this line of research. We conclude that the general adjustments of the model were close to those obtained in the original studies.
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