Zulliger R-optimized application in the evaluation of depressive characteristics
Depression, Projective techniques, Zulliger Z testAbstract
Depression is one of the most prevalent mental disorders in the world with more than 300 million diagnoses. Studies on the contributions that instruments offer in understanding the functioning of depressive patients are necessary. Therefore, our study aimed to compare the frequency of codes related to depression in Zulliger R-optimized application in a group of depressive individuals with non-clinical group. The study included 86 participants, 43 depressive patients and 43 non-clinical patients. The Escala Baptista de Depressão (EBADEP-A) was used to identify depressive symptoms in the clinical group and Zulliger was administered with R-optimized application. To compare the groups, the t-test and magnitude of differences (d) were used. The results showed differences between groups in the variables Mixed Determinants, Sum of achromatic color responses, pure color responses (C), Mor and AG. We understood that Zulliger R-optimized application may be useful in understanding the functioning of the depressive subject.

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