Psychometric study of the scale of interests by areas of psychology - portuguese version
Professional interests, Vocational guidance, Psychology, Higher education, Personality traitsAbstract
Considering the need to understand the variables related to the choice for Psychology specialties, this study aimed to present the adaptation process and to verify validity evidence based on the internal structure for the Portuguese version of the Scale of Interests by Areas of Psychology (EIAPsi) and relate it to personality. The sample consisted of 340 Portuguese university students, using the EIAPsi and the NEO Five-Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI). Exploratory Factor Analysis and correlations between instruments were performed. There was a factorial structure formed by 10 factors for the EIAPsi with satisfactory precision indexes. The dimensions of openness and agreeableness were the most frequently correlated to the areas of Psychology. We have concluded that evidence of initial validity of the instrument were presented, indicating possibilities of its use in the Portuguese context, specifically in situations aimed at self-knowledge (classroom or clinic/office) and guiding students in choosing their area of expertise.

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