Parenting styles and alcohol use in Brazilian males
Parenting style, Alcoholism, Men, Educational status, AdultAbstract
Parenting styles have been identified as some of the most important factors of risk for and protection against alcohol use among adolescents. This study aimed at comparing maternal and paternal parenting styles in groups of adult alcoholic and non-alcoholic men. Participants were 260 adult males, half of whom had been diagnosed with alcoholism whilst the others did not have a history of such disorder. The comparison between the alcoholic and control groups showed a statistically significant difference (p < 0.001) in relation to both paternal and maternal parenting practices. The binary logistic regression model containing paternal PSI, age, education and maternal PSI (χ2 = 5.224; p = 0.022; R2Nagelkerke = 0.801) showed that paternal PSI was the main predictor of alcoholism.

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