Prevalence of behavioral problems in adolescents in social vulnerability: assessment from a parental perspective
Behavior disorders, Epidemiology, Mental health, Adolescents, Social issuesAbstract
Although there are international data on the prevalence of behavioral problems through childhood/adolescence, there is still a need to explore emotional/behavioral problems experienced by Brazilian adolescents, especially in situations of extreme social problems or social vulnerability (SV). This is an observational, cross-sectional study, carried out with a convenience sample, to describe the emotional/behavioral problems of adolescents living in a high SV scenario in the city of Salvador-BA, from their parents or guardians’ point of view. Sociodemographic questionnaire and CBCL/6-18 were applied to a sample of 274 adolescents’ parents/guardians. Data analysis found that 20.4% of the sample had problems in the clinical dimension for the total scale of the instrument. Sociodemographic variables can impact behavioral problems in adolescence and need to be investigated. This study adds new data on child and youth psychopathologies at the national level and can promote preventive actions and referrals aimed at this population.

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