Reports of youths with mental deficiency about the sexuality by different strategies
sexuality, mental deficiency, methodological resourcesAbstract
The aim of this study was to use strategies to obtain and analyze reports about sexuality of five young, both sexes, with mental deficiency, by different methodological procedures: 1) The Draw of the Human body; 2) puppets of the sex family; 3) boards of the themes: date, marriage, masturbation, sexual games, period, sexual relationship, pregnancy, childbirth, breast-feeding and sexual abuse. It was observed that the youths: a) have notion about sexually identity and sexual rows; b) name and differentiate human sexual organs, especially the adult sexual male organ; c) in spite of knowing how to name them, nor all know its function; d) with short sentences and lenses the youths showed the concepts of the different presented themes. The strategies used were efficient to motivate the youths' report with intellectual limitation in complex themes as the sexuality.Downloads
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