Psychometric and dynamic assessment of children with moderate low vision
cognitive process, visually disabled, intelligence measuresAbstract
The dynamic assessment, which includes an intermediate phase of mediation, can promote a more optimistic perception of cognitive performance. This study analyzed the performance of 12 children, ages 5 and 9 years old, with moderate visual impairment, in the dynamic (PBFG-DV-Through Question Game for Visually Impaired Children or CATM - Children Analogical Thinking Modifiability) and psychometric (Scale Columbia Mental Maturity - EMMC) tests. In the EEMC, the median was 68; in the PBFG-DV, the cognitive profile was the winner and in the CATM, all of four preschool children had cognitive profile as winner. The types of mediation most used by the examiner were instruction and feedback information, provided at an early phase of the dynamic assessment. These were sensitive to assess and to differ those children who had low scores on psychometric test, showing their potential for learning; however we also discuss the suitable of the CATM for this population.Downloads
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