Meaning in Life, Psychological Well-Being and Quality of Life in Teachers
The aim of this study was to evaluate the levels of meaning in life (MIL), psychological well-being (PWB) and quality of life (QOL) in a large sample of school teachers, and to observe to what extent the MIL could act as a moderator variable in the relation between PWB and general QOL. The study included 517 teachers from 57 public and private schools in the city of Campina Grande, Paraíba, Brazil, 174 men and 343 women (averaging 36.5 years old, SD = 10.34). The results showed that a significant portion of professionals had negative indexes of MIL, PWB and QOL. Inferential analyses showed MIL as a predictor variable of both PWB and QOL. Moderation analysis demonstrated that the PWB and QOL showed distinct correlations for individuals with high and low levels of MIL. Reflections for future research and occupational health interventions are suggested.Downloads
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