Offering technologiesfor innovation: strategiesand challenges




Technology Transfer, technology transfer office, technology offering, technology marketing


Purpose – This study aimed to analyze the strategies and challenges related to technology transfer (TT)
in technology transfer offices (TTOs), specifically regarding actions to offer technologies in their

Design/methodology/approach – The qualitative research used a multiple case study based on interviews with TTO managers from seven Brazilian public Science and Technology Institutions (STIs): USP, UNICAMP, UNESP, UFMG, UFPR, UTFPR, and FIOCRUZ.

Results – STIs that invest more resources in their portfolio's active offering and marketing are more successful in technology transfer than STIs with a passive strategy. Although this active strategy has grown in importance, there is a disparity among Brazilian TTOs as some are still passive in commercializing their intellectual property. This research also highlights the need for clear policies to overcome obstacles related to legal uncertainty for researchers who wish to undertake projects as entrepreneurs using the intellectual property of STIs.

Limitations/implications of the research – The results of this study cannot be generalized since its conclusions are limited to the studied institutions. However, the outcomes indicate some interesting matters for managers of STIs and public policymakers.

Originality/value – Literature on marketing and innovation related to technology transfer between research institutions and companies in developing countries is still limited. Thus, this research contributes to generating knowledge in the field and improving TTOs.


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Como Citar

Offering technologiesfor innovation: strategiesand challenges. (2024). INMR - Innovation & Management Review, 21(1).