Diderot hoje


  • Michel Delon Sorbonne Université




Translation, Encyclopedia, Incompletion, Transformation, Cinema


If Diderot’s entry to literary and philosophical canons wasn’t as seamless as Voltaire or Rousseau’s, it was namely because his work never bears the handy pretense of absolute originality. He always speaks in reaction to others’ words: replying, responding, prolonging, or transforming. He is an imaginative translator, an inventive plagiarist, an encyclopedist who maps out a boundless world of knowledge to the likeness of an infinite universe. His thought emerges from relations and transpositions. Cinema, amongst other art forms, has adapted his fictions, interrogating the intricate paths from words to images, and from the tableau to the moving picture.


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Author Biography

  • Michel Delon, Sorbonne Université

    Professor em Paris IV, Sorbonne Université.


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CASSIN, Barbara (org.). Vocabulaire européen des philosophies. Dictionnaire des intraduisibles. Paris: Seuil, 2004.

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DIDEROT, Denis. Contes et Romans. Ed. de M. Delon. Paris: Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 2004.

DIDEROT, Denis. OEuvres philosophiques. Ed. de M. Delon. Paris: Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 2010.

GOLDZINK, Jean. L'Énigme du Neveu de Rameau. Réflexions sur l'entendement esthétique savant. Paris: Le Manuscrit, 2021.

MATTOS, Franklin de. A cadeia secreta. Diderot e o romance filosófico. São Paulo: Cosac & Naify, 2004.

PROUST, Jacques. Lectures de Proust. Paris: Armand Colin, 1974.

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