Tipologias organizacionais e atributos administrativos


  • Sérgio Alves de Sousa Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro




The author presents some organizational typologies and relate them to managerial qualifications, arming at discussing who, from a practical viewpoint, could be considered as an ideal manager. In order to do so, the author first analyzes briefly the types and classifications of -organizations developed by various authors — Katz and Kahn, Blau and Scott, Etzioni, Pugh, Hass and Woodward. A discussion of the qualifications (intrinsic and extrinsic) is, then, conducted as a support to an investigation of what would be an efficient and effective management. Finally, it is discussed the difficulty of accepting the typologies as conclusive ones, as well as the problems ofidentifying the qualifications of an ideal manager, both from the viewpoint of characteristics associated to him and these related to types of identified organizations. The author concludes stating that the hypotesis of considering an ideal manager based on his past performance in a certain organization can't be more duply investigated. In opposition to this is the idea that the ideal manager rests on performance excellence criteria based on contingencies of the local and time nature, prescinding of aprioristic and deterministic value judgement of this qualifications.


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Como Citar

Tipologias organizacionais e atributos administrativos. (1978). Revista De Administração, 13(2), 9-23. https://doi.org/10.1016/rausp.v13i2.166446