Learning situations of beach handball coaches from State of São Paulo
Pedagogia do esporte, Treinador esportivo, Aprendizagem profissional, Esportes coletivosResumo
Aim: to analyze the learning situations of beach handball coaches of São Paulo State (Brazil). Methods: Five beach handball coaches were interviewed (semi-structured), whose interviews were tabulated and analyzed based on Collective Subject Discourse method by three researchers. Results: coaches mentioned that the undergraduate course in Physical Education was not enough to master the specific knowledge of beach handball, but it encouraged the search for knowledge and the continuity of learning. The postgraduate degree was important by the contact with other coaches, and the courses and workshops are relevant to the improvement of beach handball knowledge. Discussion: coaches preferred unmediated learning situations, such as their own experiences, conversations with other coaches, observation of practices/matches and materials available on online video. In summary, the interviewed coaches’ mentioned the importance of the mediated and unmediated learning situations to their professional formation, and highlights the preference for short and direct contents to study.
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