Monitoring the internal training load in different tactical-technical training methods in beach volleyball athletes




Physical effort, Training, Young, Volleyball


The aim of the study was monitoring the internal training load in different training methods in young beach volleyball athletes. 16 athletes participated in the study, six from the U-15 and 10 from U-17 categorys. The study lasted six weeks, with a total of 18 training sessions. The subjective perception effort (SPE) and the volume of training in each session of the experimental protocols were analyzed. The intervention was carried out using analytical and situational methods. The internal training load repórter at week three (p=0.008) and five (p=0.003) was higher than at week two. When comparing the methods, higher values of internal load were identified in week three in the situational method (p=0.016) compared to the analytical method. It was concluded that the internal training load of the beach volleyball athletes during six weeks of training as similar between the analytical and situational methods. Although, wen the six weeks were divided, it was observed in week three that the athletes of the situational method reporter great internal training loads compared to the analytical method.


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How to Cite

Grisi, R. de B., Castro, H. de O., Clemente, F. M., Lima, R. F., Costa, G. D. C. T., & Batista, G. R. (2023). Monitoring the internal training load in different tactical-technical training methods in beach volleyball athletes. Brazilian Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 37, e37183069.