Time limit at maximal aerobic power, heart rate kinetics and performance in time-trial cycling test of 3 km
Frequência cardíaca, Potência aeróbia máxima, Contra-relógio, CiclismoResumo
The performance of cyclists in short terms workouts can be associate with several factors, including the maximal aerobic power (MAP), heart rate (HR) and its kinetics parameters, and the capacity to tolerate maximal efforts to exhaustion (TLimMAP). Thereby, the main of this study was analyze the presumable relation among TLimMAP and performance in a time-trial cycling test of 3 km. (TT3km). Seven cyclists were involved in this study, performing the following tests with a minimum interval of 48h: (1) initial familiarization and anthropometric evaluation, (2) maximal progressive test to exhaustion, (3) TLimMAP and (4) TT3km test. There was a tendency of subjects with higher values to TLimMAP performed the TT3km faster (r = -0,71; p = 0,07). It showed positive correlation among TLimMAP and the first time constant of the heart rate at the beginning of exercise (r = 0,95 e p < 0,01), and negative to TLimMAP and the first time constant of the heart rate recovery (r = -0,67 e p = 0,04). The tendency to association among the TLimMAP and performance at the TT3km indicate that the TLimMAP could be utilized in the assessment of cyclists – although with caveats – since there was not significant correlation. Additional investigations to enlighten the relations among TLimMAP, HR kinetics and performance would characterize a proficuous field of research.
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