Physical aspects of nursing problem identification, in renal patients
Nursing, in its efforts to base itself in strictly scientific principles is using the problem-solving technique (which includes assembling, analysis and interpretation of information, based upon patient's basic needs), in order to elaborate its nursing treatment plan under objective basis. In the present study, the author tries to identify physical problems of hospitalized renal patients, using special guide that was tested first and later on modified. This research aims to establish some basis that are meant to be used in a further study, in order to determine specific nursing treatment in this area of nursing. The research was performed using a population of 30 hospitalized renal patients, belonging to the Medical Clinic of a General Hospital of the city of S. Paulo through the application of an adequate screening criteria and a three mouth follow-up. This population sample provided the author with 1.129 identified nursing problems that represent a media of 37,6 problems per patient. These problems were afterwars classified into eight basic-need areas. Their major frequency is, as follows: skin conditions, mucosa and annex conditions, elimination, nutrition and hidratation problems, and health habits. These predominant areas totalize 71% of the identified problems.Downloads
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How to Cite
Nakamae, D. D. (1975). Physical aspects of nursing problem identification, in renal patients. Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da USP, 9(3), 24-52.