Study about the regions for intramuscular injections


  • Brigitta Elza Pfeiffer Castellanos Universidade de São Paulo; Escola de Enfermagem



Administration of drugs by intramuscular injections is a nursing procedure. The choice of the sites to be utilized need to be considered regarding advantages and disadvantages of each local. A data colection was started to know about the most utilized sites by nursing teachers and the hospital nurses, and the local pointed out by them for needle punction. It was verified that there is any differentiation in the choice of sites according the patient's age and sex and the knowledge of contraindications and complications of each sites for intramuscular injections. The data concluded that deltoidea, dorsogluteal and lateral thigh regions were the preferable one for both groups of nurses and the locations were not always anatomically right; for the choice of the site was considered the patient's age by 80% of the population. Only some mentioned contraindications and complications were according to consulted authors. The ventrogluteal region, supposed as the most save and suitable one by the authors, was the less mentioned by both groups of nurses.


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Original Articles

How to Cite

Castellanos, B. E. P. (1977). Study about the regions for intramuscular injections. Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da USP, 11(3), 261-324.