The family’s adaptation process to their child’s hospitalization in an Intensive Care Unit
Child, Hospitalized, Family, Caregivers, Intensive Care Units, Pediatric, Pediatric Nursing, Professional-Family RelationsAbstract
Objective To learn about the adaptation process of family members when experiencing their child’s hospitalization in an Intensive Care Unit. Method A qualitative, descriptive and exploratory study conducted at the Pediatrics Unit with family members of children from the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. The thematic analysis technique was used. Results Thirteen (13) family members, 12 mothers and one father participated. The following categories emerged from the results: Family impact on children’s hospitalization in a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit and Mechanisms for adapting family members to hospitalization in a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. Conclusion The mechanisms adopted by the family in the process of adapting the child to admission to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit were: positive thinking, understanding the treatment and the operation of the unit. Health professionals can offer strategies to the family in order to make hospitalization less traumatic, making it possible to share experiences and expand the knowledge of those involved.