Hospital obstetric practices and their repercussions on maternal welfare
Maternal Welfare, Obstetric Nursing, Humanizing Delivery, Maternal-Child NursingAbstract
Objective To analyze the association of care practices performed by obstetric professionals with maternal welfare/malaise levels. Method A quantitative study conducted in a Prepartum/Childbirth/Postpartum Unit of a Teaching Hospital with puerperal women who underwent vaginal births. An association was performed between obstetric practices and maternal welfare/malaise levels. Results There were 104 puerperal women who participated. Obstetric practices which caused mothers to feel unwell and which obtained statistical significance were: amniotomy (p = 0.018), episiotomy (p = 0.05), adoption of horizontal positions in the expulsive period (p = 0.04), the non-use of non-invasive care technologies (p = 0.029), and non-skin-to-skin contact between mother and child (p = 0.002). For most women, the presence of a companion favored welfare, even though it did not have a statistically significant association. After performing logistic regression, non-performance of amniotomy was the only variable which showed significance in maternal welfare. Conclusion Humanized obstetric practices have greater potential to promote maternal welfare. The importance of obstetric nurses conducting practices which provide greater welfare to mothers is emphasized.