Terminological subset of the International Classification for Nursing Practice for patients hospitalized due to burns





Burns, Nursing Care, Nursing Process, Standardized Nursing Terminology, Classification


Objective: To develop a proposal of a terminological subset of the International Classification for Nursing Practice for burned patients. Method: This is a methodological study following the steps: identification of clinical findings; mapping of terms; construction of statements of diagnoses/results and nursing interventions; content validation of statements; and structuring of the subset with the theoretical model of Basic Human Needs. Content validation was performed by 26 specialist nurses, through the Content Validity Index, with statements ≥ 0.80 being considered validated. Results: A total of 36 diagnoses/results and 119 interventions were validated. Among these, the ones with the highest index were: Respiratory System Function, Impaired/Respiratory System Function, Effective; Volume of Fluids, Impaired/Volume of Fluids, Effective; Burn Wound/Wound Healing, Effective; Pain, Acute/Pain, Absent, and as interventions: To Monitor Vital Signs; to Monitor Fluid Balance; to Treat Skin Condition; to Assess Response to Pain Management (Control). Conclusion: The validated statements depict the burned people basic human needs, with the psychobiological ones being the most prevalent.


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Silva, I. T. S. da, Menezes, H. F. de, Neto, V. L. de S., Sales, J. R. P. de, Sousa, P. A. F., & Silva, R. A. R. da. (2021). Terminological subset of the International Classification for Nursing Practice for patients hospitalized due to burns. Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da USP, 55, e20200502. https://doi.org/10.1590/1980-220X-REEUSP-2020-0502