The experiences of relatives of children hospitalized in an emergency care service


  • Ana Maria Ribeiro dos Santos Universidade Federal do Piauí; Departamento de Enfermagem
  • Nayra Michelle Anjos Amorim Hospital Municipal Djalma Marques de São Luís
  • Carolinne Husmann Braga Universidade Federal do Piauí
  • Flávia Danielli Martins Lima Universidade do Porto
  • Elza Mayara Antunes de Macedo Hospital São Marcos
  • Carla Fernanda de Lima Universidade Federal do Piauí; Departamento de Psicologia



Child, hospitalized, Family, Child care, Pediatric nursing, Emergency medical services


Childhood is a phase that requires much attention from the family and the health service, because family members, besides depending on relatives, are vulnerable to the environment. The objective of this study was to describe the experiences of relatives of children hospitalized in an emergency care service, discuss on how those experiences affect the everyday life of the family and report the aspects that interfere in the nursing care. This descriptive study was performed using a qualitative approach, and was developed in a private emergency hospital. Interviews were performed with ten family members to obtain the data. The data was submitted to thematic analysis, and three categories were elaborated: experiences of the family member, changes in the everyday life of the family, the faith of the family and their closeness as facilitating agents. In conclusion, the person accompanying the patient goes thorough adaptations, whilst experiencing hospitalization, with changes to the routine of the family. However, because of the conflicts experienced by the family member, nursing should see them as a subject of the extended care.


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How to Cite

Santos, A. M. R. dos, Amorim, N. M. A., Braga, C. H., Lima, F. D. M., Macedo, E. M. A. de, & Lima, C. F. de. (2011). The experiences of relatives of children hospitalized in an emergency care service. Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da USP, 45(2), 473-479.