Helping Relationship Skills in nurses: the validation of a measurement instrument


  • Rosa Cândida Carvalho Pereira de Melo Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Coimbra
  • Maria Júlia Paes Silva Universidade de São Paulo; Escola de Enfermagem; Departamento de Enfermagem Médico Cirúrgico
  • Pedro Miguel Dinis Parreira Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Coimbra
  • Manuela Maria Conceição Ferreira Instituto Politécnico de Viseu; Escola Superior de Saúde de Viseu



Nursing care, Humanization of assistance, Helping behaviour, Nurse-patient relationships, Validation studies


Considering the importance of assessing nurses' helping relationship skills, it was necessary to use reliable and context-adapted instruments. Thus, the objective of this study was to assess the psychometric properties of the Helping Relationship Skills Inventory (Inventário de Competências Relacionais de Ajuda, ICRA), by conducting reliability and validity studies to increase the level of confidence or accuracy of the data obtained using this instrument. This quantitative study was conducted on a sample of 690 nurses who worked in six hospitals and eight health centres in Portugal. The results indicate a multidimensional structure of helping relationship skills, divided into four different dimensions (generic, empathetic, communication and contact skills) with a positive correlation between them. Cronbach's alpha for each dimension was higher than .79, showing a good internal consistency of the items within each factor.






Original Article

How to Cite

Melo, R. C. C. P. de, Silva, M. J. P., Parreira, P. M. D., & Ferreira, M. M. C. (2011). Helping Relationship Skills in nurses: the validation of a measurement instrument. Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da USP, 45(6), 1387-1395.