Evaluation of the welcoming strategies in the Intensive Care Unit


  • Eleine Maestri Universidade Federal do Pampa
  • Eliane Regina Pereira do Nascimento Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; Departamento de Enfermagem
  • Kátia Cilene Godinho Bertoncello Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; Departamento de Enfermagem
  • Josiane de Jesus Martins Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; Hospital Universitário Polydoro Ernani de São Thiago




Intensive Care Units, User embracement, Strategies, Nursing care, Professional-family relations


This qualitative study was performed at the adult Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of a public hospital in Southern Brazil with the objective to evaluate the implemented welcoming strategies. Participants included 13 patients and 23 relatives. Data collection was performed from July to October 2008, utilizing semi-structured interviews. All interviews were recorded. Data analysis was performed using the Collective Subject Discourse. The collected information yielded two discourses: the family recognized the welcoming strategies and the patients found the ICU team to be considerate. By including the family as a client of nursing care, relatives felt safe and confident. Results show that by committing to the responsibility of making changes in heath care practices, nurses experience a novel outlook towards ICU care, focused on human beings and associating the welcoming to the health care model that promotes the objectivity of care.


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How to Cite

Maestri, E., Nascimento, E. R. P. do, Bertoncello, K. C. G., & Martins, J. de J. (2012). Evaluation of the welcoming strategies in the Intensive Care Unit. Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da USP, 46(1), 75-81. https://doi.org/10.1590/S0080-62342012000100010