The teacher's understanding about their ability in nursing teaching


  • Heloisa Helena Ciqueto Peres USP; EE; Departamento de Orientação Profissional
  • Paulina Kurcgant USP; EE; Departamento de Orientação Profissional
  • Maria Madalena Januário Leite USP; EE; Departamento de Orientação Profissional



University education, Nursing teaching, Teaching's ability


Teaching Administration Nursing Service we've been worried about several variables of the instructive process that affect the teachers and the students, as advantage, attitudes, thinking and acting manner, values, expectations, previous experiences, among some. These uneasiness take us to check the educational practice experience, considering the teaching's ability. In this study, we intend to reveal the teacher's understanding about the ability to teach nursing throw the education's reality recognition. So, we adopted a quality methodology that allow us a comprehensive analysis of the teaching's speech at a Public University in São Paulo city. According to the methodology it was possible to get back four meaning unities that allowed us to prescribe the emerging subjects; teaching's understanding about technical ability, teaching's understanding about scientific-theretical ability, teaching's understanding about pedagogical ability and the teaching identity. This study permitted us to reveal some points considered outstanding about the teacher's ability, getting it back as the result in a complex and continuous process of technical, theoretical and pedagogical training. contained in a. several factors, psycological, social, ethical, economical, political and historical. We still understanding that the teacher's reflections about the teaching reality, in its totality, favouring the awareness and interfering positivly in thei" criticism. formation. Finally there 'is a necessity to set up schools formation and up-dating centers and establish human political resources compatible with a renewed political of na educational action.


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Original Articles

How to Cite

Peres, H. H. C., Kurcgant, P., & Leite, M. M. J. (1998). The teacher’s understanding about their ability in nursing teaching. Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da USP, 32(1), 52-58.