Analysis of the instrument at the process nursing staff's perfomance evaluation at the university hospital of USP


  • Maria Madalena Januário Leite Universidade de São Paulo; Escola de Enfermagem
  • Dulce Maria Rosa Gualda USP; Hospital Universitário; Departamento de Enfermagem
  • Vera Lucia Mira Gonçalves USP; Hospital Universitário
  • Valéria Castilho Universidade de São Paulo; Escola de Enfermagem
  • Diley Cardoso Franco Ortiz USP; Hospital Universitário
  • Fernanda Maria Togeiro Fugulin USP; Hospital Universitário
  • Dulce Regina Batista Carmo USP; Hospital Universitário
  • Teresa Cristina Manrique Coan USP; Hospital Universitário



Nursing administration


The aim of this study was to check if the evaluators and evaluated follow the operational criterion that direct the nursing staffs evaluation of HU; to the identify the graduation confered to obrigatory and optional forecasters by evaluators and evaluated; to indentify the optional forecaster chosen by evaluators and evaluated and prepare the researches to a change at the process of nursing staff's evaluation of HU. The results showed that different functional categories had similar points of view; there were high level of agreement between them ; both values atribuition as optional forecaster selection. It's demonstraded that there's coherence at the process of nursing staff's perfomance evaluation, the evaluators shaves with evaluated the same presupposition about the purpose and importance of the forecasters insert in the instrument of perfomance evaluation.






Original Articles

How to Cite

Leite, M. M. J., Gualda, D. M. R., Gonçalves, V. L. M., Castilho, V., Ortiz, D. C. F., Fugulin, F. M. T., Carmo, D. R. B., & Coan, T. C. M. (1999). Analysis of the instrument at the process nursing staff’s perfomance evaluation at the university hospital of USP. Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da USP, 33(3), 265-278.