Looking for a nursing home for an elderly person: reasons appointed by relatives


  • Nara Marilene O. Girardon Perlini Unijuí; DCSa
  • Marinês Tambara Leite Unijuí; DCSa
  • Ana Carolina Furini Unijuí; DCSa




Aged, Family, Institutionalization, Geriatric nursing


This study, conceived in order to try to understand the situations that motivate families to place elderly relatives in nursing homes, used a methodological qualitative approach. Data collection was conducted through open interviews. The analysis of the answers resulted in two categories: the placement in a nursing home as a way to meet the elder person's needs; and the search for the best place for the elder to live and keep the bond with the family. Living through the process of placing an elder relative in a nursing home constituted a transition period in which different factors were taken into account and contributed for the decision. When this decision is taken, the family looks for the best place in terms of physical structure, care and social living, with equals and with other people, because it is believed that through visits family and affective bonds can be kept.


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How to Cite

Perlini, N. M. O. G., Leite, M. T., & Furini, A. C. (2007). Looking for a nursing home for an elderly person: reasons appointed by relatives. Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da USP, 41(2), 229-236. https://doi.org/10.1590/S0080-62342007000200008