Baby-Friendly Hospital: prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding at 6 months and intervening factors *


  • Sonia Fontes Figueredo Hospital Maternidade Leonor Mendes de Barros
  • Maria Jose Guardia Mattar Ministerio da Saude
  • Ana Cristina Freitas de Vilhena Abrao Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo; Escola Paulista de Enfermagem



Breast feeding, Health promotion, Health Policy, Program evaluation, Maternal-child nursing


The objective of this research was to identify the pattern of exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) in the first 6 months of infants born in a Baby-Friendly Hospital and the factors that contribute to early weaning. This was a prospective cohort study with 261 mothers and children. The data were analyzed via the construction of a Kaplan-Meier survival curve, and the log-rank test was used for the univariate analysis. A multivariate analysis was performed using the Cox proportional-hazards regression model. During the 6 months, the percentage of mothers who practiced EBF for 30, 90, 120, 150 and 180 days was 75%, 52%, 33%, 19% and 5.7%, respectively. In the multivariate analysis, the variables that conferred a risk for early weaning were the hospital and the occurrence of a follow-up visit due to mammary complication, improper positioning and the association of both of these factors. The Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative favored EBF.


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How to Cite

Figueredo, S. F., Mattar, M. J. G., & Abrao, A. C. F. de V. (2013). Baby-Friendly Hospital: prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding at 6 months and intervening factors *. Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da USP, 47(6), 1291-1297.