Boosting job performance: the impact of autonomy, engagement and age




Job performance, Autonomy, Engagement, Age, Moderated mediation



The study aims to investigate the effect of autonomy on employee job performance and the mediation effect of engagement. It also explores whether an employee’s age moderates the model.


Data were collected through a face-to-face survey administered to various types of workers in their workplaces. The selection of companies was based on a database available at the university. Response rate was 35%, yielding 210 instruments with complete responses. Structural Equation Modeling was the chosen method for data analysis.


Results demonstrate a positive and significant relationship between autonomy and engagement as well as between engagement and job performance. Moreover, engagement plays a full mediating role in the relationship between autonomy and job performance. Additionally, while age does not moderate the relationship, it does have a differential impact on the mediation process.

Practical implications

The creation of management strategies focused on resources such as autonomy must be adapted according to seniority, with the purpose of enhancing employee engagement and performance in today’s organizations.


This paper closes a gap between autonomy and Job Demands-Resources theory by providing evidence on the effects of autonomy, engagement and age on job performance.


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How to Cite

Boosting job performance: the impact of autonomy, engagement and age. (2024). REGE Revista De Gestão, 31(4).