Effect of the strength training and physiotherapy in the morphophysiological aspects and the life quality of the patients of Public Healthcare System





Low back pain, Physiotherapy, Resistance training


Introduction: Currently, low back pain is considered one of the main chronic non-communicable diseases that affect society. Objective: To analyze the effects of strength training and physiotherapy on the morphophysiological aspects and quality of life of UHS patients with chronic non-specific low back pain. Methods: In total, 15 patients of both sexes participated, over the age of 40, attended by the UHS. The volunteers were submitted to an interview and evaluation to identify chronic non-specific low back pain and functional capacity, quality of life, local pain, anthropometry, and strength measurements. Subsequently, the volunteers were allocated to the strength training (8) and physiotherapy (7) groups. Results: There was an increase in strength in the lumbar region (p = 0.006) and lower limbs (LL) (p = 0.018), decreased local pain (p = 0.009), improved functional capacity (p = 0.023), and reduced limitations due to physical aspects (p = 0.036) and due to emotional aspects (p = 0.015), in both modalities. Discussion: There was a large corroboration between the chosen age group and the age of greatest involvement according to the literature. Regarding the interventions, we identified several morphofunctional benefits, similar to the studies already published. Conclusion: Both strength training and conventional physiotherapy provided improvement in chronic low back pain in adult patients treated by the UHS, as well as increasing strength and some domains of quality of life.


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How to Cite

Silva, R. P. da, Marcelo, H. I., Castoldi, R. C., & Zanuto, E. A. C. (2021). Effect of the strength training and physiotherapy in the morphophysiological aspects and the life quality of the patients of Public Healthcare System. Revista De Medicina, 100(3), 229-237. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.1679-9836.v100i3p229-237