Tolkien: a political culture analysis about english conservatism


  • Mara Lúcia Ribeiro de Sousa Universidade Estadual Paulista



Tolkien, Conservatism, Cultural studies, Political Culture, Intellectual history


J.R.R. Tolkien, famous author, can being seen as an intellectual part of the dominant political culture of 20th Century England? The objective of this paper is comprehended how traces of the conservatist political culture had developed in Tolkien. The paper uses the Berstein’s concept of political culture and analyses the social networks that were part of the intellectual life to understand the vision of the intellectuals that were part of the same cultural segment that Tolkien. The analyses of the biography of Humphrey Carpenter and of several letters will prove that the author was part of the English conservative political culture.


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How to Cite

Tolkien: a political culture analysis about english conservatism . (2022). Intelligere, 13, 217-236.