Intellectual history, between scopes and limits. The actions of the subjects for the determination of the political


  • Eduardo Nazareno Sánchez Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales



Politics, Action, Intellectual, History


One of the most relevant contributions of post-foundational thought and intellectual history has been the reflection about the construction of all political order, in the terms of Carl Schmitt, which is the result of the actions of historical individuals; especially of the intellectuals because they are in charge of elaborating certain discourses, always in concrete and delimited circumstances, which shape the political and social framework that they themselves integrate. Therefore, there is always a fissure in the political system that is necessary for its functioning because it allows the action of men and women, but, at the same time, it is the one that tries to be resolved when it comes to developing an order that allows life in community. In short, politics is always contingent and the individuals are who act in these circumstances.


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How to Cite

Intellectual history, between scopes and limits. The actions of the subjects for the determination of the political. (2022). Intelligere, 14, 106-117.