Hematologic values of healthy cats
Blood, Hematology, Feline, CatsAbstract
Hematologic values of healthy cats were established and their variations according age and sex were studied. In 20 cats (9 males and 11 females) 3 months-old to 6 years-old, the values obtained were the following, expressed by mean and standard deviation:
Erythrocytes (million/cu mm) .......... 6,5± 1,5
Hemoglobin (gm/100cc) ................. 12,0± 3,2
P.C.V. ( cc/100cc) .......................... 28,7± 5,5
M.C.V. (cu µ ) ................................ 45,3± 7,2
M.C.H. ( µ µ gm )............................ 18,7± 9,2
Leucocytes (thousand/cu mm) .......... 10,8 ± 3,0
% absolute number
— band neutrophil ............. 2,4 ± 2,2 272± 301
— neutrophil ..................... 53,3±11,4 5829±2415
— total neutrophil .............. 55,7±11,6 6102±2506
— eosinophil...................... 4,7± 3,4 488± 416
— lymphocyte .................... 38,3±12,9 4019±1693
— monocyte ....................... 1,8± 1,6 266± 264