Correções, interrogatórios e políticas de intercâmbio local/global na crítica de arte feminista
Crítica de arte feminista, Arte contemporânea, História da crítica de arteResumo
Neste ensaio, descrevo em que pode consistir uma história da arte da crítica de arte feminista e argumento que ela não deve se limitar a um retorno às histórias de “origem” de alguns grandes críticos ou focar apenas no que um crítico diz sobre o seu encontro com uma obra de arte. Em vez disso, sugiro procurar outras formas de aceder à criação de discurso da crítica de arte feminista local e global, nomeadamente 1) através de entrevistas com artistas, 2) em ensaios temáticos que tentam redefinir o feminismo e a arte e 3) examinando o foco da arte feminista em jornais e revistas.
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ATALLAH, N. Have there really been no great women artists? Writing a feminist art history of modern Egypt. In: C. Ozpinar and M. Kelly (eds. ). Under the skin: feminist art and art histories from the Middle East and North Africa today. Oxford University press, 2021, p. 11-25.
BAIGELL, Renee and BAIGELL, Matthew. Peeling Potatoes, Painting Pictures: Women Artists in Post-Soviet Russia, Estonia and Latvia, The First Decade. Jane Voorhees Zimmerli Art Museum and Rutgers University Press, 2001.
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BEITIN Andreas; KOCH, Katharina and RUHKAMP, Uta (Ed.). Empowerment: Kunst und Feminismen / Empowerment: Art and Feminisms (separate German and English editions). Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg/Federal Agency for Civic Education, 2022.
BIANPOEN, Carla; WARDANI, Farah; DIRGANTORO, Wulan. Indonesian women artists. Jakarta: Yayasan Semirupa Indonesia, 2007.
BRAND, P. Feminist art epistemologies: understanding feminist art. Hypatia, 21 (3), 2006, p. 166-189. Available in: Accessed in: January 2023.
BROUDE, Norma and GARRARD, Mary. The Power of Feminist Art: the American Movement of the 1970s. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1994.
BURMAN, Chila. There have always been great black women artists. Women Artists Slide Library Journal, (London) no. 15 (Feb 1987), 1986, p. 9-11. Reproduced in many books including Deepwell, Katy 50 Feminist Art Manifestos (KT press, 2022).
CARTER, Charlotte Bonham. Representation of in Britain. London: Freelands Foundation, 2016. Available in: Accessed in: January 2023.
COLLIN, Francoise. Visibility and representation. Vraiment: Feminisme et Art. MAGASIN: Centre National d’Art Contemporain de Grenoble, 5 April – 25 May 1997. Curator: Laura Cottingham, p. 65-71.
DALLIER, Aline. Fear of feminism in France. Feminist Art Journal, vol. 4, n°1, Printemps 1975, p. 15-18.
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DEEPWELL, Katy. Défier l'indifférence a la différence: les paradoxes de la critique d'art féministe. In: FRANGNE, Pierre-Henry & POINSOT, Jean-Marc (Ed.). L'Invention de Critique D'Art. France: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2002, p. 191-205.
DEEPWELL, Katy. Dialogues: women artists from Ireland. London: I. B. Tauris, 2005.
DEEPWELL, Katy. Some notes on interviewing artists. Art Gamadas vol. 5 (Japan: Kumamoto, CAMK) 2005. 4 – 2006.3, 2007, p. 479-489.
DEEPWELL, Katy. On the beginnings and end of n. paradoxa: international feminist art journal. v. 40 July n. paradoxa: international feminist art journal, 2017, p. 5-13.
DEEPWELL, Katy (Ed. ). Feminist art activisms and artivisms. Amsterdam: Valiz, 2020a.
DEEPWELL, Katy. Pourquoi 1989? Ecrire sur le feminisme, l’art et le “contemporain global”/‘Why 1989? Writing about feminism, art and “the global contemporary”. In: ZABUNYAN, Elvanet al. (Ed.). Constellations subjectivités:pour une histoire féministes de l'art. France: éditions IXE, 2020b, p. 64-85.
DEEPWELL, Katy. The politics and aesthetic choices of feminist art criticism. Arts 2023, 12 (2), 63. https://doi. org/10. 3390/arts12020063.
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DUNCAN, Carol. When greatness is a box of wheaties. Artforum, October 1975, vol. 14, no. 2, p. 63- reproduced in: DUNCAN, Carol. The aesthetics of power: essays in the critical history of art. Cambridge University Press, 1993.
EIBLMAYR, Sylvia; EXPORT, VALIE and PRISCHL-MAIER, Monika (Ed.). Kunst mit Eigen-Sinn: Aktuelle Kunst von Frauen Texte und Dokumentation. Exhibition catalogue, Wien /Munchen, 1985.
EIGHT ARTISTS REPLY. ARTnews vol. 69, no. 9 Jan. 1971, p. 40-46. Elaine de Kooning/Rosalyn Drexler, Marjorie Strider, Louise Nevelson, Lynda Benglis, Suzi Gablik, Eleonor Antin, Rosemarie Castoro.
ELKINS, James Elkins. Canon and globalization in art history. In: BRZYSKI, Anna (Ed.). Partisan canons. USA: Durham, Duke University Press, 2007.
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FRUEH, Joanna. Towards a feminist theory of art criticism, 1988, reproduced in: FRUEH, Joanna; LANGER, Cassandra; RAVEN, Arlene (Ed.). Feminist art criticism: an anthology. New York: Icon/Harper Collins, 1992.
FRUEH, Joanna; LANGER, Cassandra; RAVEN, Arlene (Ed.). Feminist art criticism: an anthology New York: Icon/Harper Collins, 1992.
GIUNTA, Andrea. Feminist disruptions in Mexican art, 1975–1987. Translator: Tamara Stuby. Artelogie, n. 5, Octobre, 2013.
GRANT, Catherine. Fans of feminism. In: GRANT, Catherine. A time of one's own: histories of feminism in contemporary art. Durham: Duke University Press, 2022.
HESS, Thomas B. and BAKER, Elizabeth C. Art and sexual politics. New York: Collier, 1973.
HOCK, Beata. Managing trans/nationality: cultural actors within imperial structures. In: HOCK, Beata and ALLAS, Anu (Ed.). Globalizing East European art histories. London & New York: Routledge, 2018, p. 48.
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KUKAINE, Jana. Intimacy and darkness: feminist sensibility in (post) socialist art. Arts2023, 12 (1), 24.
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