Passive haemagglutination test for human neurocysticercosis immunodiagnosis: II - Comparison of two standardized procedures for the passive haemagglutination reagent in the detection of anti-Cysticercus cellulosae antibodies in cerebrospinal fluids


  • Mirthes Ueda Instituto Adolfo Lutz; Seção de Sorologia
  • Adelaide José Vaz Instituto Adolfo Lutz; Seção de Sorologia
  • Eide Dias Camargo Instituto Adolfo Lutz; Seção de Sorologia
  • Ana Maria Carvalho de Souza Instituto Adolfo Lutz; Seção de Sorologia
  • Regina Maria Figueiredo Benelli Instituto Adolfo Lutz; Seção de Sorologia
  • Marcos Vinícius da Silva Hospital Emílio Ribas


Neurocysticercosis, Passive haemagglutination test, Cerebrospinal fluid


A comparison of two different standardized reagent procedures for the passive haemagglutination test (PHA) in the detection of specific antibody to Cysticercus cellulosae in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was carried out. The formaldehyde-treated group O Rh-human red blood cells (HuRBC) and glutaraldehyde-treated sheep red blood cells (SRBC) were the supplies for the reagents preparation and, in the tests, they were designated as PHA-1 and PHA-2, respectively. For both reagents the cells were coated with the cysticerci total saline extract (TS) antigen. PHA-1 and PHA-2 were assessed in a total of 204 CSF from patients with neurocysticercosis, from non-related infections and from healthy individuals. The positivity and specificity indices obtained were respectively 81.7% and 94.4% for PHA-1 and for PHA-2, 88.7% and 96.6%. Since no significant differences were observed between the results provided by two reagents, at level of significance of 0.05, either processes of cell sensitization can alternatively be used according to the own laboratory convenience.


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How to Cite

Ueda, M., Vaz, A. J., Camargo, E. D., Souza, A. M. C. de, Benelli, R. M. F., & Silva, M. V. da. (1988). Passive haemagglutination test for human neurocysticercosis immunodiagnosis: II - Comparison of two standardized procedures for the passive haemagglutination reagent in the detection of anti-Cysticercus cellulosae antibodies in cerebrospinal fluids . Revista Do Instituto De Medicina Tropical De São Paulo, 30(1), 57-62.