Occurence of Giardia lamblia in children of municipal day-care centers from Botucatu, São Paulo State, Brazil


  • Semíramis Guimarães Estadual Paulista University; Bioscience Institute; Department of Parasitology
  • Maria Inês L. Sogayar Estadual Paulista University; Bioscience Institute; Department of Parasitology


Giardia lamblia, Giardiasis, Day-care centers, Children


Considering that the number of day-care centers for pre-school-age children has expanded rapidly in developing countries, and that these institutions presenting conditions that facilitate the transmission of many enteric agents, a parasitological survey was carried out in three municipal day-cares from Botucatu: two in the urban area (one in downtown area and the other one in the city periphery area) and the third in the rural area. Three separate stool specimens were collected from 147 children ranging from 0 to 72 months old and 20 staff members. Each stool specimen was processed by Lutz and zinc sulfate flotation methods. The frequency of giardiasis observed among children of downtown, periphery and rural day-cares was 69.6%, 52.7% and 69.6%, respectively. Only one employee was positive for G. lamblia. The examination of three stool specimens increased the positivity for G. lamblia: from the ninety three final positive examinations, 24 (25.5%) and 8 (8.5%) were positives only after examination of the second and third samples, respectively. Others intestinal organisms like Ascaris lumbricoides (20.4%), Trichuris trichiura (19.0%). Hymenolepis nana (8.8%), Entamoeba coli (22.4%) and Blastocystis hominis (32.0%) were frequently found in the children. There was no significant association among localization of the day-cares, sex of the children and the levels of G. lamblia infection. According to the age, G. lamblia was found mainly in children between 12 to 47 months old.


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How to Cite

Guimarães, S., & Sogayar, M. I. L. (1995). Occurence of Giardia lamblia in children of municipal day-care centers from Botucatu, São Paulo State, Brazil . Revista Do Instituto De Medicina Tropical De São Paulo, 37(6), 501-506. https://revistas.usp.br/rimtsp/article/view/29318