First isolation of dengue 3 in Brazil from an imported case


  • Iray Maria ROCCO Instituto Adolfo Lutz; Seção de Vírus Transmitidos por Artrópodos
  • Berenice Bustamanti KAVAKAMA Centro de Vigilância Epidemiológica; Divisão de Zoonoses
  • Cecília Luiza Simões SANTOS Instituto Adolfo Lutz; Laboratório de Biologia Molecular


Dengue 3, Virus isolation, PCR


The authors report the isolation of dengue 3 virus for the first time in Brazil. The patient, resident in Limeira-SP, traveled to Nicaragua on May 16th, 1998, where he stayed for two months. Starting on August 14th he had fever, headache, myalgia, arthralgia, retro-orbital pain and diarrhea. He returned to Brazil on August 16th and was hospitalized in the next day. The patient had full recovery and was discharged on August 20th. The virus was isolated in C6/36 cell culture inoculated with serum collected on the 6th day after the onset of the symptoms. The serotype 3 was identified by indirect immunofluorescence assays performed with type-specific monoclonal antibodies. This serotype was further confirmed by polymerase chain reaction analysis. The introduction of a new dengue serotype in a susceptible population is a real threat for the occurrence of severe forms of the disease. The isolation and identification of dengue virus are important in order to monitoring the serotypes circulating in Brazil and to take the measures necessary to prevent and control an epidemic.


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Brief Communication

How to Cite

ROCCO, I. M., KAVAKAMA, B. B., & SANTOS, C. L. S. (2001). First isolation of dengue 3 in Brazil from an imported case . Revista Do Instituto De Medicina Tropical De São Paulo, 43(1), 55-57.