Mycotic bovine nasal granuloma


  • Ismael Alejandro Conti Díaz University School of Veterinary; Department of Microbiology
  • Roberto Vargas University School of Veterinary; Department of Bovine and Swine
  • Ada Apolo University School of Veterinary; Department of Microbiology
  • José Antonio Moraña University School of Veterinary; Department of Pathology
  • Graciela Pedrana University School of Veterinary; Department of Histology
  • Elena Cardozo University School of Veterinary; Department of Bovine and Swine
  • Edgardo Almeida Italian Hospital of Montevideo


Mycotic granuloma, Nasal, Bovines, Drechslera, Trichosporon


A case of mycotic bovine nasal granuloma in a 10 year-old Jersey cow, produced by Drechslera halodes is presented. Histopathological sections showed abundant hyaline and pigmented extra and intracellular fungal structures together with a polymorphic cellular granuloma formed by neutrophils, lymphocytes, plasmocytes, histiocytes and giant cells of the Langhans type. It is the first case of mycotic bovine nasal granuloma recognized in Uruguay although this disease seems to be frequent according to the opinion of veterinarian specialists. Another similar clinical case also in a Jersey cow from the same dairy house with an intense cellular infiltrate rich in eosinophils without granulomatous image, together with extracellular hyaline and fuliginous fungal forms, is also referred for comparative purposes. Geotrichum sp. was isolated. The need of an early diagnosis and treatment of the disease is stressed.


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Case Report

How to Cite

Conti Díaz, I. A., Vargas, R., Apolo, A., Moraña, J. A., Pedrana, G., Cardozo, E., & Almeida, E. (2003). Mycotic bovine nasal granuloma . Revista Do Instituto De Medicina Tropical De São Paulo, 45(3), 163-166.