Bresani-Salvi, Cristiane Campello, Clarice Neuenschwander Lins de Morais, Heytor Victor Pereira da Costa Neco, Pablo Cantalice Santos Farias, André Filipe Pastor, Raul Emídio de Lima, Ulisses Ramos Montarroyos, and Bartolomeu Acioli-Santos. 2023. “Interferon-Gamma Gene Diplotype (AA-rs2069716 AG-rs2069727) May Play an Important Role During Secondary Outcomes of Severe Dengue in Brazilian Patients: Interferon-Gamma Gene Diplotype (AA-rs2069716 AG-rs2069727) May Play an Important Role During Secondary Outcomes of Severe Dengue in Brazilian Patients”. Revista Do Instituto De Medicina Tropical De São Paulo 65 (July): e43. .