The revolutionized world of New Babylon




Victor “Constant” Nieuwenhuys, New Babylon, Situationist International


This paper approaches Victor Nieuwenhuys’ (pseudonym "Constant") design for New Babylon (1956-1974), confronting its genesis and development with the technological and social revolution needed for its realization. We recover the cultural and political climate of the 1950 decade (the postwar, the foundation of Experimentele Groep, COBRA, MIBI, International Letrist, International Situationist, the influence of Henri Lefebvre). Then we focus on New Babylon, analyzing drawings, texts and maps. We inquire about the design and its sociopsychological implications related to the individuals’ behavior and to the collective domain, and the pertinence of the city pointed to human emancipation.


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How to Cite

Kamimura, R. (2022). The revolutionized world of New Babylon. Risco - Journal of Architecture and Urbanism, 20, 93-112.