Considerations for an urban health perspective in Chile from the “Quiero Mi Barrio” program
Social Determinants of Health, Urban Renewal, Community Participation, Neighborhood Characteristics, Qualitative Research, ChileResumo
OBJECTIVES To explore the perceptions of residents regarding their health and well-being in areas of personal and collective life, in relation to the experience of urban transformation originated by the Program for the Recovery of Neighborhoods in Chile “Quiero mi Barrio” (PQMB). METHODS Qualitative study conducted in eight neighborhoods, which were subject to interventions between 2012–2015, located in seven communes of Chile: Arica, Renca, Padre Las Casas, Villarrica, Castro, Ancud. Eighteen focus groups and 27 interviews were conducted between 2018 and 2019. A content analysis was carried out following the social determinants of health approach. RESULTS Material conditions of neighborhood infrastructure and psychosocial determinants were the main emerging and predominant categories in the residents’ narratives. The new or improved infrastructure enhances sports and playing practices, as well as contributes to the feeling of safety and to the improvement of walkable spaces, support networks, socialization and dynamization of social organization. However, neglected aspects were visualized. The program had limitations of structural character that operate locally, such as aging, individual lifestyles that limit participation, and contexts of insecurity, especially in neighborhoods victims of drug trafficking. CONCLUSIONS The urban changes originated by the PQMB included improvements in neighborhood infrastructure and in the psychosocial environment, which are perceived by residents as beneficial aspects and promoters of collective wellbeing. However, global phenomena, and those related to the program, limit its scope and have repercussions on the perception of overall wellbeing of the residents in the neighborhoods. To go deeper into how this or other state neighborhood programs may or may not favor equitable access of different social groups, or which works may be better used by the groups, is an aspect that enhances the integral action with other sectors and local actors in the territories.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Paola Olave-Müller, Natalia López-Contreras, Patricio Alvarez Kocher, Paola Jirón, Camilo Bass del Campo, Soledad Burgos de la Vega

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