Implementation of a digital tool for population management in Primary Health Care




Territorialization in Primary Care, Community Health Workers, Primary Health Care, Electronic Health Records, Population Health Management


OBJECTIVE: Describe the implementation of a digital diagnostic and territorial monitoring tool in primary healthcare.
METHODS: Quantitative and qualitative study, developed in 14 basic healthcare units in São
Paulo, with community health workers, coordinators, nurses, and physicians. Data collection occurred in four phases: analysis of the instruments used by the team for territory management; development of the digital tool; training and implementation; and evaluation after 90 days using focus groups. Descriptive analyses were conducted by calculating absolute and relative
frequencies to treat quantitative data. Qualitative data were subjected to content analysis.
RESULTS: Three hundred thirty-four professionals participated in the study. In the first step, territory management’s main challenges were filling out various instruments, system failures, data inconsistency, internet infrastructure/network, and lack of time. Therefore, a digital tool was developed consisting of 1) a spreadsheet recording the number of family members and markers of health conditions, date of visit, and number of return visits; 2) a spreadsheet with a
summary of families visited, not visited, and refusals; and 3) a panel with a summary of the data generated instantly. In the evaluation, after the initial use of the tool, the themes that emerged were integration of the tool into daily work, evaluation of the digital tool implementation process, and improvement and opportunities for improvement.
CONCLUSIONS: Faced with the challenges faced by family healthcare teams when filling out systems and managing the territory, the tool developed provided greater reliability and agility in data visualization, reduced the volume of instruments, and optimized the work process.


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How to Cite

Almeida, D. P. da S., Oliveira Junior, P. L. de, Prazeres, G. A. dos, Belotti, L., Domingues, J., Bonassi, N. M., Eshriqui, I., Martins, R. S., Almeida, L. Y. de, & Bonfim, D. (2023). Implementation of a digital tool for population management in Primary Health Care. Revista De Saúde Pública, 57(Supl.3), 1-17.