Association between hospitalizations for sensitive conditions and quality of primary care




Primary Health Care, Quality of Health Care, Family Health


OBJECTIVE: To analyze the association between municipal rates of ambulatory care sensitive conditions (ACSC) hospitalization and the quality of primary health care (PHC), socioeconomic, and demographic variables and those related to local characteristics of the health system from 2010 to 2019. METHOD: Ecological time series study in Brazilian municipalities analyzing the correlation of ACSC hospitalization rates with PHC quality measured by the three cycles of the Primary Care Access and Program for improving primary care access and quality (PMAQ-AB). The study included municipalities whose teams participated in 80% or more of at least two PMAQ-AB cycles. The correlation between standardized ACSC hospitalization rates and PHC quality and other variables was analyzed. Spearman’s test was used between the response variable and numerical explanatory variables. Generalized equations estimation was used as a multivariate model associating ACSC hospitalization rates with the other variables over the years. RESULTS: A total of 3,500 municipalities were included in the models. The quality of PHC (PMAQ-AB score) showed an inverse association with the variation in ACSC hospitalization rates. Hospitalization rates fell by -2% per year every ten-point increase in the PMAQ-AB score, adjusted by the remaining variables. A one-unit increase in the beds per 1,000 inhabitants variable had an impact of approximately +6.4% on ACSC hospitalization rates. Regarding population size, larger municipalities had lower ACSC hospitalization rates. Increased PHC coverage and lower socioeconomic inequality were also associated with the reduction in hospitalizations. CONCLUSIONS: The reduction in ACSC hospitalization rates over time was associated with an increase in the quality of PHC. It was also associated with a reduction in the number of hospital beds and municipalities with better socioeconomic indicators.


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How to Cite

Santos, F. M. dos, Macieira, C., Machado, A. T. G. da M., Borde, E. M. S., Jorge, A. de O., Gomes, B. A., & Santos, A. F. dos. (2023). Association between hospitalizations for sensitive conditions and quality of primary care. Revista De Saúde Pública, 57(1), 85.