Big Data-Planetary Health approach for evaluating the Brazilian Dengue Control Program




Epidemiology, Dengue, Outcome and Process Assessment, Health Care, Data Science


OBJECTIVE: This study aims to integrate the concepts of planetary health and big data into the Donabedian model to evaluate the Brazilian dengue control program in the state of São Paulo. METHODS: Data science methods were used to integrate and analyze dengue-related data, adding context to the structure and outcome components of the Donabedian model. This data, considering the period from 2010 to 2019, was collected from sources such as Department of Informatics of the Unified Health System (DATASUS), the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), WorldClim, and MapBiomas. These data were integrated into a Data Warehouse. K-means algorithm was used to identify groups with similar contexts. Then, statistical analyses and spatial visualizations of the groups were performed, considering socioeconomic and demographic variables, soil, health structure, and dengue cases. OUTCOMES: Using climate variables, the K-means algorithm identified four groups of municipalities with similar characteristics. The comparison of their indicators revealed certain patterns in the municipalities with the worst performance in terms of dengue case outcomes. Although presenting better economic conditions, these municipalities held a lower average number of community healthcare agents and basic health units per inhabitant. Thus, economic conditions did not reflect better health structure among the three studied indicators. Another characteristic of these municipalities is urbanization. The worst performing municipalities presented a higher rate of urban population and human activity related to urbanization. CONCLUSIONS: This methodology identified important deficiencies in the implementation of the dengue control program in the state of São Paulo. The integration of several databases and the use of Data Science methods allowed the evaluation of the program on a large scale, considering the context in which activities are conducted. These data can be used by the public administration to plan actions and invest according to the deficiencies of each location.


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Original Articles

How to Cite

Xavier, F., Barbosa, G. L., Marques, C. C. de A., & Saraiva, A. M. (2024). Big Data-Planetary Health approach for evaluating the Brazilian Dengue Control Program. Revista De Saúde Pública, 58(1), 17.

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