Phenotyping for angular leaf spot severity and its implication in breeding common bean for resistance
Phaseolus vulgaris L., Pseudocercospora griseola, genetic resistance, artificial inoculationAbstract
Phenotyping for severity of angular leaf spot (ALS) in common bean is important to identify new sources of resistance and select progenies in conventional and molecular markerassisted breeding. In this study, three phenotyping methods for ALS severity were assessed and its implications in breeding for resistance to Pseudocercospora griseola are discussed. Reaction of 144 common bean lines to P. griseola was evaluated. Three different experiments were conducted in the greenhouse (V2 and V3 stages) and in the field. Common bean lines were inoculated with a mixture of spores of pathogen races 63-63 and 63-23. We observed that 31 %, 7 % and 10 % of lines were resistant in stages V2, V3 and in the field, respectively. Estimates of coincidence index V2-V3, V2-field and V3-field were 68 %, 69 % and 88 %, respectively. Evaluations in V3 stage and in the field were the phenotyping methods more efficient for ALS severity. However, evaluation in V3 stage is impracticable to assess routinely many genotypes in breeding programs. Evaluation in V2 stage may be used to carry out a first screening, especially in the early stages of breeding programs. Moreover, this methodology may be used in association with evaluation of plants in the field to increase genetic gain.