Higroscopicity evaluation of fertilizers and agricultural liming materials


  • J.C. Alcarde USP; ESALQ; Departamento de Química
  • E. Malavolta Universidade de São Paulo; CENA; Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura
  • A.L. Borges USP; ESALQ
  • A.S. Muniz USP; ESALQ
  • C.A. Veloso USP; ESALQ
  • A.C. Fabrício USP; ESALQ
  • I. De J.M. Viegas USP; ESALQ




agricultural fertilizers, higroscopicity, liming materials


The percentual of water absorbed by fertilizer materials, bulk blend fertilizer mixtures and agricultural liming materials was determined as a function of the environment relative humidity and time of exposition. Samples of these were exposed to three relative humidity environments: 70,4%, 80,5% and 77,8%, during 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 72 hours, after drying at 50°C for 24 hours. The water absorbed by all products increased with air relative humidity and exposition time. All the materials absorbed some humidity for the lowest exposition time and lowest relative humidity (3 hours and 70,4%) but was insignificant in the case of ammonium sulphate, diammonium phosphate, natural phosphate parcially acidulated, potassium chloride, potassium sulphate, limestone and hidrated lime. The urea and calcium nitrate presented major higroscopicity among the materials studied. The presence of 5% hidrated lime or vermiculite in bulk blend mixtures decreases significatively the higroscopicity.


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Agroindustrial Technology

How to Cite

Higroscopicity evaluation of fertilizers and agricultural liming materials . (1992). Scientia Agricola, 49(spe), 137-144. https://doi.org/10.1590/S0103-90161992000400018