Comparisons of chemical properties of forest (Amazon region) and savanna soils (central region) of Brazil


  • J.L.I. Demattê USP; ESALQ; Departamento de Ciência do Solo
  • J.A.M. Demattê USP; ESALQ; Departamento de Ciência do Solo



Amazonia, Central Brazil, cerrado, chemical properties


Chemical properties were studied in soil samples from two main fisiographic regions of Brazil: the Amazon region represented by the tropical rain forests and the Brazilian central region represented by the savanna (cerrado) vegetation. For this study 17 profiles were selected from the Triângulo Mineiro area: 6 profiles from Goias state, and 5 profiles from the south eastern part of the Mato Grosso State. Most of the profiles are oxisols from medium to clayey texture. For the Amazon region 76 profiles were selected (38 oxisols and 38 ultisols) located from Para to Acre States. The following depths were selected: 0-10 cm; 10-40 cm; 40-80 cm and 80-100 cm. The litter layer was not studied. The savanna region has soil in a more advanced weathered stage than the Amazon region. The Ki index of savanna soils varies from 6.0 to 1.5 and of Amazon soils the variation is from 1.3 to 2.5 that included Oxisols (Ki from 1.3 to 2.0) and Ultisols (Ki above 2.0). This indicates that the clay mineralogy of savanna soils is represented by an oxidic mineralogy that is more stable than in the Amazon region represented by a caulinitic mineralogy with 2:1 contribution. The Amazon soils are more acid and present exchangeable At in higher amounts than savanna soils with a direct effect on chemical management. Soils pH correction requires more lime in Amazon soils than in the savanna. The are great differences in both regions between base saturation and pH index. In Amazon soils the pH increase follows the base saturation while this does not occur in savanna soils. In sandy soils the organic carbon is higher in Amazon for all depths studied. In soils with more than 35% clay, the organic carbon is higher in savanna soils when all the depths are considered. There are no diferences between organic carbon in "cerrado" and "cerradão" (shot savanna and true savanna). Oxisols of the Amazon region have higher amounts of organic carbon than Ultisols.


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Earth Science

How to Cite

Comparisons of chemical properties of forest (Amazon region) and savanna soils (central region) of Brazil . (1993). Scientia Agricola, 50(2), 272-286.