DRIS norms for evaluating the nutritional state of apple tree


  • Gilmar Ribeiro Nachtigall Embrapa Uva e Vinho
  • Antonio Roque Dechen USP; ESALQ; Depto. de Ciência do Solo




Malus Domestica, DRIS norms, foliar diagnosis


For Brazilian conditions there are still no studies on the use of the diagnosis and recommendation of the integrated system (DRIS) for nutritional diagnosis of the apple tree. The nutritional diagnosis of the apple tree is made using the criterion of sufficiency range. The aim of this report is to establish DRIS norms to interpret the results of apple tree leaf analysis in South Brazil. The study covered the apple producing areas of the states of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina, in 70 orchards selected for their high productivity and employment of excellent management techniques. The concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, boron, copper, iron, manganese, and zinc were determined in leaf samples. DRIS indices were calculated using two criteria for the choice of the ratio order of nutrients (F value - ratio of the variance of the relationships among nutrients between the reference group and the low productivity group, and R value - correlation coefficients between the productivity values and the relationship between pairs of nutrients) and three forms to calculate the nutrient functions (methods of Beaufils, Jones and Elwali & Gascho). The two criteria for the choice of the ratio order of the nutrients selected different ratios. The concentrations of nutrients presented positive correlations (P < 0.01) with the respective indices DRIS, except for N. The defined DRIS norms are applicable for the nutritional diagnosis of apple trees.


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Soils and Plant Nutrition

How to Cite

DRIS norms for evaluating the nutritional state of apple tree . (2007). Scientia Agricola, 64(3), 282-287. https://doi.org/10.1590/S0103-90162007000300011