Phytoextraction and fractionation of heavy metals in soil after multiple applications of natural chelants


  • Évio Eduardo Chaves de Melo UFRPE; Depto. de Agronomia
  • Clístenes Williams Araújo do Nascimento UFRPE; Depto. de Agronomia
  • Adriana Maria de Aguiar Accioly Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura Tropical
  • Ana Cristiane Queiroz Santos UFRPE; Depto. de Agronomia



phytoremediation, soil pollution, soil remediation, organic acids


Chelate-assisted phytoextraction of heavy metals is a promising approach to clean up polluted soils. However, the most successful chelants tested so far are synthetic agents that barely degrade in soil, increasing the metal leaching risks. Natural organic acids have been proposed to enhance phytoextraction due to their higher biodegradability, but they can also be a drawback for efficient phytoextraction. This work was carried out to compare the effectiveness of multiple applications of citric and gallic acids on the availability in soil and accumulation of Cd, Pb, Cu, and Zn by velvet bean (Stizolobium aterrimum) plants. The organic acids were added as follows: 5 mmol kg-1 in the 28th cultivation day; two doses of 5 mmol kg-1 at the 28th and 31st day; and three applications at the same rate at the 28th, 31st, and 34th day of velvet bean cultivation. Soil samples were sequentially extracted and soil solution metal concentrations assessed. Neither citric acid nor gallic acid was efficient for metals phytoextraction. In general, low molecular weight organic acids (LMWOA) application increased the metal concentrations in the water soluble and exchangeable fractions. Zinc and Cu were retained mostly in the organic matter fraction. Zn was remobilized from the organic matter fraction through LMWOA application into the water soluble and exchangeable fractions. LMWOA mobilized Pb and Cu from iron oxides, but such an increase in solubility was not high enough to affect phytoextraction.







Soils and Plant Nutrition

How to Cite

Phytoextraction and fractionation of heavy metals in soil after multiple applications of natural chelants . (2008). Scientia Agricola, 65(1), 61-68.